Linus is a liberal and open innovation advocate ,a futurist with over ten years’ experience in innovation management and creativity with a focus on technology and social change for the growth of enterprise, Social networking, strategic development, policy formulation for growth and Integration of Information Communication Technologies in business processes.

Linus is a frequent keynote speaker on concepts related to Creativity & innovation in the larger and small organization environment, personality and creativity tests and their application, Creativity for problem definition, Idea generation, brainstorming, lateral thinking, Impact of social media to main media stream and social change accelerator. He has given key note to over 50 startup conference across ASIA Pacific, MIDDLE EAST, Europe and AFRICA. He has spoken to couple of events AU, UN Summits, Business Summits, Technology events: ,Extensia Events Rise Summit,2016 and 2017

Currently developing a network for techies across Africa, a network that aims to improve saving culture of coders, tech startups, innovation hubs achieve the dreams of their work in more sustainable way.

Linus has demonstrated his ability to communicate effectively and work with a range of stakeholders in Uganda and globe including government officials, civil society organizations, non-state actors and international donors. He has extensive experience in working in multi- cultural environments. He has co-authored studies and reports on social media and innovation as a tool to accelerate change and social development, led training for government officials in creativity based approach (CBA) Human Centered Design Module (HCDM), and coached students and actors working in social course.

Through his professional and academic career Linus has built an in-depth knowledge of Africa’s innovation development and technology sector, including the social, political and global context, relevant actors within government and civil society, challenges and opportunities, and potential entry points and agents for change.

Accepted Talks:

Python Community Development in East Africa

The talk is about the growth of the python user community in East Africa, streamlining the role Afrodjango initiative is playing in building and empowering people with Python software development skills in the region.

Our audience is python community developers and accelerators of python programs. we want the above mentioned participants to learn about our activities and how we are helping expand the python user community across the region. we will be covering the growth and expansion of the python community in East Africa.

Building Python communities in Africa

A discussion about building resilient python communities in Africa